Framework for Institutional Policies

Photo of policies and procedures

Framework for Institutional Policies

Policy Name: Framework for Institutional Policies
Policy Number: 01-05-001
Version Effective Date: August 24, 2017
Last Reviewed on: January 1, 2019
Policy Applies To: University wide
Responsible Office: University Counsel

The University is engaged in the review, revision, compilation, and systemization of the policy framework and availability of institutional policy for the benefit of University constituents and University operations. This policy is intended to provide a standard framework and guidance for the form, development, approval, and review of policies at the University.


  1. This Framework for Institutional Polices ("Framework Policy") establishes the structure and policy for the form, development, approval, and review of institutional policies.
  2. Definitions:
  • 2.1. Approval Officer – The Board of Trustees of New Jersey City University ("Board"), the President, or the Vice Presidents as applicable under this policy.
  • 2.2. Board Policy – Such policies may be issued by the Board in accord with applicable law and the By-laws of the Board. In general these policies pertain to the organization, administration, and development of the University as whole and provide overarching principles in policy, rules, and orders adopted by the Board necessary and proper for the administration and operation of the University. The high level guidance embodied in Board policy may provide foundational principles to mandate or constrain or support activities and actions of the Board, the University administration, employees, students, other members of the University community, and others with whom the University interacts as the University works to carry out its higher education mission.
  • 2.3. Effective Date – This is the date a policy becomes effective and shall be included on the front page of the policy. The effective date is determined by the Approval Officer following consultation with the President's Senior Team or the Policy Advisory Group where applicable under Paragraph 2.4, 2.5 or 3.4 of this Framework Policy.
  • 2.4 Interim Policy – An interim policy may be issued by the President ("Interim University Policy") or other Units of the University ("Interim Unit Policy"). An interim policy shall include in its title the designation "Interim." Interim policies may be issued where the establishment of policy within a short timeframe is necessary and appropriate for the management, conduct and administration of the University or its various Units, to conform to deadlines, or to address critical, emergent, or special circumstances. Special circumstances include but are not limited to changes in federal or state law or regulatory requirements or matters presenting significant institutional risk. Interim University Policy shall take effect following consultation with the President's Senior Team and the approval of the President. In the case of an Interim Unit Policy, such policy shall not take effect unless approved by the appropriate division head. Following approval of an interim policy signed by the Approval Officer with appended effective date, the Responsible Unit/Manager shall file the interim policy in accord with Paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 of this Framework Policy. Also, following approval of an interim policy, the Responsible Unit/Manager shall begin to process the interim policy in accord with the Framework Policy so that it or a version of it (as it may be amended or revised) becomes a final policy pursuant to Section II, Subsections 3, 4, and 5 of this Framework Policy. Absent final status or an extension of interim status, an interim policy shall expire 12 months from its effective date. A Responsible Unit/Manager may make a request to the applicable Approval Officer to extend an interim policy for up to six months.
  • 2.5. Policy – A policy is an institution statement in effect on or before August 24, 2017 or approved by the applicable Approval Officer in accord with the authority of the Approval Officer and Section II, Subsections 3 and 4 of this Framework Policy. It mandates or constrains or guides activities of the University or its units, officers, employees, agents, students, or other entities with whom or with which the University may interact. A policy approved on or after August 25, 2017 shall conform to paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 of the Framework Policy. A policy in effect on or before August 24, 2017 shall remain in effect (unless repealed or amended) pursuant to Section II, Subsections 3, 4, and 5 of the Framework Policy or superseded by an interim policy pursuant to Paragraph 2.4 of the Framework Policy and shall conform to paragraphs 3.1 and Paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 of this Framework Policy. The effective date for policies in effect on or before August 24, 2017 shall be the effective date reflected in the document. If no effective date is reflected in the document, the effective date shall be August 24, 2017 and said policies shall also be subject to the periodic review requirements of this Framework Policy, Section II, Subsection 5. A collective negotiation agreement negotiated at the State or institution level is not a policy for purposes of the Framework Policy and is not subject to this Paragraph 2.5.
  • 2.6. Policy Advisory Group – With the exception of interim policies issued pursuant to Paragraph 2.4 of this Framework Policy, the Policy Advisory Group ("PAG") reviews all policies generated by the Board, the President and units of the University. PAG provides an oversight and coordination function for policy development and application for the University. In accord with Section 3 of this Framework Policy, Responsible Unit/Managers are to submit proposed and revised policies to PAG for its consideration. PAG may provide feedback, recommendations, questions, editorial input, etc. as it deems appropriate which matters shall be considered by the Responsible Unit/Manager towards finalization of the policy. PAG includes the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Administration and Chief Operating Officer, the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, and the Vice President for University Advancement. University Counsel shall serve as counsel to PAG and shall convene its meetings in consultation with the Chair of PAG. The President shall appoint one of the members of PAG as the Chair. PAG may at its discretion include the participation of other staff as needed.
  • 2.7. Procedure – A procedure is not a policy, although there may be circumstances where a procedure may be incorporated into a policy when the procedure assists in defining the nature of the policy. In general, procedures, rules, protocols, directives and guidelines are a part of the process for implementation of policy and are allocated to University administrators and managers for development. Approval of procedure is allocated to each of the division heads. Division heads shall consult with the President's Senior Team concerning a procedure of university-wide scope to implement University Policy.
  • 2.8. Responsible Unit/Manager – In the case of Board policies, Office of the President/University Counsel. In the case of University Policies, as designated by the President or as delegated by the President to the Vice Presidents, the University Counsel or other senior administrators of the University, ("Designees and Delegates"). Designees and Delegates may assign responsibility for policy proposal, development, review, administration, and enforcement to units subject to their oversight or supervision.
  • 2.9. Unit – A Unit refers to a division, a college or a school of the University. It may also include departments and offices in the University Administration subject to the approval of the division, college or school head as is applicable.
  • 2.10. Unit Policy – Such policies are not University Policies and do not have University-wide scope. In general such policies have limited scope and are intended to apply to a single unit or perhaps several units subordinate to a division, college, school, or such other units as approved by the applicable division head(s).
  • 2.11 University Policy – A university policy may be issued or approved by the President consistent with the executive management and conduct of the University including all of its constituent Units and for the execution and enforcement of law, the By-laws of the Board and such rules, regulations, or orders which may be issued by the Board governing the management, conduct and administration of the University in accord with applicable law and consistent with Board policies and delegations of authority.

3. Formatting, Review, and Approval of Policy

  • 3.1. Policy Template – All policies shall be formatted in accord with the format approved by the President or designee. Policies in draft and existing policies are to be reformatted in accord with the approved format.
  • 3.2. Responsible Unit/Managers shall review all existing policies assigned to them or for which they are responsible and recommend to the division head (or to the President where appropriate) and the PAG revisions, amendments, repeal, or other appropriate actions. Supporting information related to the recommendation and the policy shall be provided to the appropriate Approval Officer and PAG. The priority and timeline for review existing policies shall be reviewed in consultation with the Approval Officer and receive the approval of the Approval Officer.
  • 3.3. Responsible Unit/Managers are responsible for the identification of areas of operation within their units that are in need of new policies or procedures, for recommending appropriate policies or procedures, and for participating in the development of those policies and procedures. Draft policies and procedures are to be submitted to the appropriate Approval Officer for preliminary review and transmission to PAG. Supporting information related to the recommendation and the policy or procedure shall be provided to the Approval Officer and PAG. PAG shall make recommendations to the Approval Officer concerning draft policies or advise that no recommendations will be made.
  • 3.4. Following the communication from PAG per paragraph 3.3 above, the Approval Officer shall consult with the President's Senior Team concerning the policy and may provide final approval of the policy following such consultation and forward the signed policy with the effective date appended to the Responsible Unit/Manager for filing.

4. Filing of Policy

  • 4.1 Responsible Unit/Managers shall assure the formal filing of policies within their respective areas of responsibility following receipt of signed policy from the Approval Officer.
  • 4.2 Filing shall be made and be considered complete by electronic transmission of the approved policy to the Office for Institutional Effectiveness (OIE).
  • 4.3. OIE shall upload the approved policy to the online site allocated for the posting of University policies.

5. Schedule for the Regular Review of Policy and Expiration of 

  • 5.1 Unless otherwise expressed in an approved and filed policy, Responsible Unit/Managers shall review and make recommendations to the Approval Officer concerning policies within their respective areas of responsibility periodically, as they deem necessary or appropriate, but with no less frequency than every five years from the effective date. This provision is not meant to constrain in any way the authority of a division head or the President to direct earlier review of any policy.
  • 5.2 The Responsible Unit/Manager shall provide notice to the Approval Officer and PAG that an approved and filed policy is under review within the timeframe provided in 5.1.

As deemed necessary or appropriate by the Policy Coordinator but at a minimum, at least every 5 years from the date of last review.