Computer Science Forms & Documents

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Computer Science Forms & Documents

Forms & Documents

Add / Drop Forms

  • This a fillable pdf of the official add/drop forms. Complete the information and have your advisor and department chair sign it. In some rare instances (e.g., if you are dropping an AUR course) the Dean's office may still need to sign but for the most part all you need is department level signatures.

Late Withdrawal

  • Students may withdraw from classes between the end of the add/drop period and November 1 (fall semester), April 15 (spring semester), or the mid-semester point for summer sessions. For all officially withdrawn students, the instructor's final grade roster will have a "W" imprinted in the grade column next to the student's name.
  • If you would like to withdraw from a course before those deadlines, use the forms that are available at the Registrar's Office.
  • If you would like to withdraw from a course AFTER that date, to request a late withdrawal, download and complete this form and then submit it to K-605 with the appropriate documentation.

According to the University Catalog, the official policy on late withdrawals reads as follows:

  • "A student who does not complete course work and does not officially withdraw will receive the grade of "F." In extraordinary circumstances, such as hospitalization for an accident or illness, a student may submit a written request to the appropriate academic dean for an official withdrawal after the deadline date. Such requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation of the time and nature of the circumstances. Decisions by the Academic Dean on these requests are final."

*Note: The Dean's Office strongly advises students to refrain from applying for late withdrawal except under the emergency circumstances described in the policy. A failing grade is not such an emergency. We recommend that students who realize after the drop deadline has lapsed that they are in jeopardy of failing a course after to buckle down and do the best they can for the remainder of the semester. If that effort comes up short, there is always the recomp option. Transcripts littered with W's are not going to impress anyone. At least a recomped grade can demonstrate perseverance in the face of adversity.

Independent Study

  • Students interested in pursuing an independent study project should contact a faculty mentor to discuss the scope and aims of the project. After that consultation, download and complete the Independent Study Proposal form and contract and submit it to Ms. Sarah Ambrose-Roman in K-605.

General Studies Forms

  • Students who would like to substitute a general studies area course for another should download and complete this form and then submit it to K-605.
  • Students who would like to have the course requirements waived for a specific portion of the general studies requirements, should download and complete this form and then submit it to K-605.

*Note: You can enter the data directly onto the form, then print and submit.

Elective Course Substitution Form

  • Students who would like to substitute an elective course should download and complete this form and then submit it to K-605 (typically this would be needed if you are taking a course not in your major at another institution and would like it to have credit here).

*Note: You can enter the data directly onto the form, then print and submit.

Major Course Substitution Form

  • Students who would like to substitute a major course should download and complete this form and then submit it to K-605 (typically this would be needed if you are taking a course in your major at another institution and would like to receive credit towards your major).

*Note: You can enter the data directly onto the form, then print and submit.

Academic Grievance / Appeal Form

  • The full procedure for filing a grievance concerning grading, course requirements, attendance, academic integrity, or other academically related complaints is detailed in the University Catalog (page 29). Step Four of that process is a written appeal to the relevant academic dean. In the case of this college, complete and print this form and then submit it, with an accompanying typed letter detailing the circumstances of your concern. Remember to follow the preceding three steps before moving to this stage.

*Note: You can enter the data directly onto the form, then print and submit.