Corey Frost


K 304



I am a teacher, writer, and scholar with diverse interests. As an undergraduate I studied Theatre at Acadia University in Nova Scotia and Creative Writing at Concordia University in Montreal. I earned a Master's Degree in English Literature at Université de Montréal (fluency in French was required for this degree). For two years I lived in Japan and taught English there. I taught English (composition and ESL) at three different universities in Quebec. For many years I was active in the spoken word and performance writing scene in Montreal; I travelled extensively, performing at events in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Australia, and elsewhere, and I published three books of fiction and performance texts, as well as audio recordings. In 2002 I moved to New York and began doctoral work at the CUNY Graduate Center, focusing mostly on poetry and performance studies, while teaching at several CUNY colleges. My Ph.D. dissertation, submitted in 2010, was entitled The Omnidirectional Microphone: Performance Literature as Social Project.

I began teaching at NJCU in 2011 and gained tenure in 2016. I've continued to write and publish on performance poetry but I've also become more and more involved in the field of rhetoric and composition. I served as Writing Across the Curriculum coordinator at Brooklyn College and then Communication Across the Curriculum coordinator at NJCU, and I've been closely involved in the design and administration of the composition program. I am co-author of the Broadview Guide to Writing, and in recent years I've been working on a textbook about grammar and usage. I teach composition and creative writing courses on a regular basis, as well as grammar and linguistics courses. Other teaching interests include writing studies, the history of print, zines, electronic literature, science fiction, online culture, conspiracy theories, and jokes. Beyond that, I edit and design books for ellipsis press, I play Scrabble intensely and guitar casually, and I'm learning about birds and Pokemon from my two sons.


BA, Creative Writing, Concordia University, 1994
MA, Etudes anglaises, Université de Montréal, 2001
PhD, English, CUNY Graduate Center, 2010