Circulation Policies

Photo of njcu students talking in library njcu tshirt

Circulation Policies

Circulation Department


Any currently registered student, faculty, or staff members may borrow circulating materials upon presentation of a valid university ID card. Also, alumni may borrow up to five books with a NJCU alumni card. Borrowers are responsible for all library materials charged to their library account. Specific policies are as follows:

    • Loan Period: 28 days, with a valid NJCU student ID card
    • Renewals: two 28 day renewals per book
    • Book Limit: 25 books for NJCU students; 5 books for other students with reciprocal borrowing privileges and NJCU alumni
    • Late Book Fine: None
    • Lost Book Fee: $100 per lost book
    • Dissertations and Theses Collections Loan Period: 6 hours in-house use only.
    • Loan Period: 3 months, with a NJCU faculty ID card
    • Renewals: two 3 month renewals per book
    • Book Limit: 50 books
    • Late Book Fine: none
    • Lost Book Fee: $100 per lost book
    • Loan Period: 3 months, with a NJCU faculty ID card
    • Renewals: two 3 month renewals per book
    • Book Limit: 50 books
    • Late Book Fine: none
    • Lost Book Fee: $100 per lost book

*Please note student loan periods do not extend past the last day of a semester

When the library is closed, borrowed materials can be placed in the book depository located on the exterior wall at the front of the building. Borrowers will be billed a Lost Book Fee for any books which are not returned to the library. Library borrowing privileges will be suspended for patrons with delinquent accounts.


Last updated: 8/26/2021