Media Services
Photo of Videos on the shelf
Media Services
Media Services
Periodicals Desk
Second Floor
The Periodicals & U.S. Government Documents Department also houses the library’s Media Collection of VHS tapes and DVDs. These materials are available for loan at the Circulation Desk on the First Floor of the Library.
Faculty and staff may request the purchase of video materials by filling out a request slip (same form as book request) and sending it to the Acquisitions Department. Requests can also be made by using the online Book Order Form on the Library homepage.
- 28 day loan period
- Two 28 day renewals allowed (if there are no recalls on the item)
- Online Renewals allowed through My Library Account feature of WorldCat Discovery catalog
- Limit: Maximum of 12 barcoded items borrowed under user’s name
- Recalls: All borrowed items are subject to recall & early return if needed by other instructors.
- All Media Collection materials (VHS tapes, DVDs, etc.) must be borrowed from and returned to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.
- A valid NJCU Gothic Photo ID must be presented before borrowing VHS tapes & DVDs.
- Instructors are responsible for all materials borrowed with their IDs.
- Problems with user registrations are handled at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Library.
- Holds: VHS tapes & DVDs can be held at the Circulation Desk for pick up later.
Reserves: Instructors can place VHS tapes & DVDs on reserve for students to view in the library’s video viewing rooms. - Reserve items borrowed for classroom use must be returned right away. A special loan period of less than 1 week will be used.
- Lost or Damaged Item Replacement Fee: $100 ($80.00 + $20.00 processing)
- Two Overdue Notices will be mailed out for late materials, followed by a third and final Lost Materials notice.
- Borrowers will be billed a Lost Item Fee for any DVDs, VHS tapes, or Guides which are not returned to the library or are damaged.
- All Lost or Damaged Item Fees are paid at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.
- 3 day loan period
- Two 3 day renewals allowed (if there are no recalls or holds on the item)
- Online Renewals allowed through My Library Account feature of WorldCat Discovery catalog
- Limit: Maximum of 5 barcoded items borrowed under a user’s name
- All Media Collection materials (VHS tapes, DVDs, etc.) must be borrowed from and returned to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.
- A valid NJCU Gothic Photo ID must be presented before borrowing VHS tapes & DVDs.
- Students are responsible for all materials borrowed with their IDs.
- Problems with user registrations are handled at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of the Library.
- Recall: All borrowed items are subject to recall & early return.
- Reserves: Certain DVDs & VHS tapes have been placed On Reserve for in-library use only. NJCU students can view these DVD & VHS tapes in the library’s video viewing rooms but they cannot take them out of the library building.
- Lost or Damaged Item Replacement Fee: $100 ($80.00 + $20.00 processing)
- Two Overdue Notices will be mailed out for late materials, followed by a third and final Lost Materials notice.
- Borrowers will be billed a Lost Item Fee for any DVDs, VHS tapes, or Guides which are not returned to the library or are damaged.
- All Lost or Damaged Item Fees are paid at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of the library.
- Any outstanding obligation for fines or fees will impose a restriction on registration and official transcript.
Last updated: 6/17/2024