

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

NJCU School of Business
Tickets Required
explore nj header image

Do you want to network with business leaders from around the world? Do you want to meet investors who are thinking of establishing their business operations in New Jersey? Join us for ExploreNJ, co-branded event with Choose New Jersey and NJEDA, meant to attract foreign investors to the Garden State.

We have about 25 (and growing) international firms registered to attend, all of which are looking to open or expand operations in the US market and are ready to make a decision in the next 12-18 months. These businesses are in need of services in a number of areas including, consulting, accounting, banking, real estate, staffing, healthcare, manufacturing, legal, technology and more.

Co-Hosted by: CIANJ, ChooseNJ, NJEDA, Institute for Dispute Resolution at New Jersey City University, Rutgers Business School

Sponsored by: United Airlines, Nachman, Phulwani, Zimovcak Law Group, P.C., Dunn Lambert LLC, AIMS International, and SAX.



Scheduled Dates
