Fire Science

Photo of fire fighter in a fire truck

About the Fire Science Department

The New Jersey City University Bachelor of Science in Fire Science is the only university-based program in the State of New Jersey and one of only a few in the United States. This degree is an increasingly valuable asset for individuals seeking advancement to officer and chief positions in the fire service. Students enjoy the opportunity to learn from active and newly retired fire officers and firefighters. Nationally and regionally renowned experts in the field serve as guest lecturers throughout the semester. Learning is highly interactive, emphasizing leadership development and teamwork through student-centered learning. All classes are supplemented with distance learning to accommodate student schedules. The curriculum is composed of courses recognized as pertinent for the comprehensive development of today's firefighter. The textbooks employed are those recognized by the NJ Department of Personnel for fire service promotional examinations.

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Mission Statement

The mission of the New Jersey City University Fire Science Department is to provide its diverse population of students with an educational experience that is meaningful, comprehensive and rewarding. The Department is committed to the enablement of student academic and professional development and success. The education provided is intended to assist students in their quests for academic and professional excellence; to be successful in gaining entrance into the fire service and associated fields, to become outstanding firefighters and ultimately exceptional fire officers.

The program; its courses, faculty, resources and pedagogy are continually assessed to provide valid, applicable, and enjoyable learning. Emphasis is placed on student centered learning, encouraging a high degree of student-teacher and student-student interaction. Learned skills and knowledge are applied through collaborative work, where student teams analyze and solve or resolve anticipated fire and emergency events in a manner common to the profession. A low student/faculty ratio, extensive availability of faculty, collaborative interaction with professional partners, guest speakers and successful alumni optimize the quality and rate of student learning. Individualized support services further guide and assist the students in their efforts to become increasingly more efficient and effective learners.

The NJCU Fire Science Program is committed to improving the quality of life, education, and safety of community members through its independent and collaborative work with other colleges, academies, community organizations, government agencies and departments to provide incumbent and aspiring fire and emergency workers with the education they need and desire.

See our faculty profiles

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Contact Us

Professor Walter Nugent
Professional Studies Building, Room 451
Tel: 201-200-3407
Fax: 201-200-3408

Courses are available at NJCU's Main Campus and online.